Berserk Wiki

"God of the Abyss (1)" is episode 82 of the Berserk manga series.



Armed with a new weapon, Guts begins to fight back in earnest.

Guts charges the apostles who have climbed up the arm. One apostle armed with sharp spikes attacks first. Guts dodges the strike and uses his dagger to remove one of the spikes to use as a weapon.

Guts successfully kills many of the surrounding apostles without sustaining too many injuries. The female God Hand member watches as Guts tries his absolute best to survive, noting the irony in that his burning passion will only serve to fuel Griffith's transformation even further.

Guts continues to fight until an apostle uses both hands to grab him by the throat. He bites down on its hand, angering it, and it retaliates by violently throwing him into one of the giant hand's fingers, stunning him. It takes Guts only a few instants to recover before he goes back on the offensive.

Griffith feels as though he is sinking deeper and deeper into an endless ocean. As he plumbs its depths, he receives visions of the Band of the Falcon members being massacred, their deaths providing him with sustenance. He feels the pain they do as they die, but emotionally, Griffith is numb to their suffering. In the blackness of the endless abyss, Griffith perceives what looks to be a whirlpool, from which bubbles in the shape of Beherits emerge and float up, passing him as they head for the surface.

Griffith is confronted by a being he identifies as "God".


  1. Guts
  2. Slan
  3. Griffith

