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The Hundred-Year War is a century-spanning series of conflicts between the Kingdom of Midland and Tudor Empire, sparked by Tudor's seizing of Midland's border fortress Doldrey.[1] The war is finally concluded when Griffith and his Band of the Falcon succeed in recapturing Doldrey from Tudor's hold.[2]


After the Tudor Empire annexes the Kingdom of Midland's provincial border fortress Doldrey as a foothold for conquest, the continent is engulfed in battles between the warring dominions for approximately a century.[1] Countless distinguished Midland commanders and generals attempt and fail to recapture the fortress; even Midland's esteemed White Tiger Knights are unable to achieve such a feat. The tide of war abruptly shifts, however, following the Band of the Falcon entrance into the war, as enlisted mercenaries under Midland's authority.

When word reaches Midland that Tudor is on the verge of civil war over succession to the throne, Midland's generals begin discussing the possibility of using the opportunity to recapture Doldrey, knowing Tudor cannot fight both them and manage its looming power vacuum. Viscount Griffith offers his Band of the Falcon to personally reclaim Doldrey, stating that he and his Falcons are all that is necessary to do so. Confident in Griffith's sincerity and undefeated military streak, the King of Midland officially orders the young commander and his band to recapture Doldrey.[1]

In the pivotal Battle for Doldrey, Griffith and his Falcons successfully outwit and defeat General Boscogn and his Purple Rhino Knights, and recapture the long-lost fortress for Midland.[2] The Band of the Falcon's victory leads to the conclusion of the Hundred-Year War, and brings about the signing of an armistice treaty between Midland and Tudor.[3]


For their efforts in the war, the King of Midland formally grants the Band of the Falcon's commanders nobility; Griffith is elevated to the rank of White Phoenix General and the band is formally knighted as Midland's White Phoenix Knights.[3] Their peerage is short-lived, however; Griffith's first defeat at Guts' hands, as well as the swordsman's immediate defection thereafter, cause him to sink into depression and impulsively bed Princess Charlotte.[4] This act, deemed treasonous, results in Griffith's imprisonment under the orders of the king, as well the exiling of the band.[5] A year later, however, Griffith is rescued by the remnant Band of the Falcon, much to the anger of the increasingly-senile king.[6]

Midland enjoys a two-year peace; however, plague and natural calamity eventually befall the kingdom. The dying, decrepit king continues to dedicate Midland's resources to finding Griffith, rather than mending the damages of the Hundred-Year War, all while people throughout the kingdom fall victim to disease and famine.[7] With the king's eventual demise, the Kushan Empire uses the opportunity to strike Midland in its moment of internal collapse, invading the nation and seizing the royal capital Wyndham.[8]


  1. ^ a b c Berserk :: Volume 7, "Battle to Capture Doldrey (1)"
  2. ^ a b Berserk :: Volume 8, "Battle to Capture Doldrey (6)"
  3. ^ a b Berserk :: Volume 8, "Moment of Glory"
  4. ^ Berserk :: Volume 9, "Beginning of the Endless Night"
  5. ^ Berserk :: Volume 9, "Demise of a Dream"
  6. ^ Berserk :: Volume 10, "A Way Through"
  7. ^ Berserk :: Volume 17, "Revelation (1)"
  8. ^ Berserk :: Volume 27, "Demon Castle"

