Berserk Wiki

... and all in all, Normal mode was convenient to attain all of the behelits (special objectives), but way too easy (the difficulty modes are: Easy (should be called "Hand-Holding"), Normal (should be called "Easy"), Hard (should be called "Normal"), and Hell (should be called "OMG THE PAIN IT HURTS")). I've done 2 missions in Hell mode so far and boy is it tougher. Finishing a mission on Hell mode puts a brand sign next to the name of the mission, and I don't know if completing all missions on Hell mode gives something, but I'll find out eventually.

Eclipse mode (endless fighting) is also neat and finishing its battles unlocks pictures, costumes, and whatnot. Pretty standard fare, and pretty entertaining. Every Berserk aficionado should pick this game up on one platform or another.
